Quick Guide How To Improve Your Finances in 3 Months

How To Improve Your Finances in 3 Months With Clickbank

Having a tough time how to improve your finances in paying your utility bills, medical bills, mortgage, school tuition fees & can’t even pay a visit to your family because of lack of money to travel?

You’re certainly not alone because…

I used to be a victim of living pay check to pay check several years ago.  I was earning enough as a flight attendant, but why I need to live paycheck to paycheck and drowning in credit card debts?

It’s simple….

Because I borrow my lifestyle in swiping my credit card for food, shopping, travel etc.

Regardless which color of your skin, age, gender, nationality or whatever is your job position – once you formed a bad habit of spending more than your income and  started borrowing your lifestyle from your credit card….then you will never improve your finances to attain the life that you want.


Best Tips How To Improve Your Finances
To Live a Life That You Deserve!

Live within your means and pay out all your debts as soon as you can

Debt is a huge obstacle for financial success for many people. If you find yourself in a hole, the first step is to stop digging & take action to be out of the hole as soon as you can because if you continue digging,  this will create a bigger hole for you that will lead to a much larger problems in the future to get out.

This is the initial step & the most difficult step that my husband and myself applied.

Monitor your spending

How To Improve Your Finances in 3 Months

Start recording your spending each day by keeping a consistent recording of your expenses and income. Just buy a simple notebook or use excel.  Then segment your spending into expense categories such as restaurant, shopping, medical, groceries, utilities, representation, gas and transportation etc.

Create a simple balance sheet where you can see the total ins & outs of your money. Each month analyze your spending and try to improve it.

Bottom line here is that you should not spend more than your earning.

Pay Yourself First

Start paying yourself first. Savings have various uses. It is used to pay off debt. This is exactly what my husband and I did several years back which reduces expenses in terms of paying your credit card debt interest.

My younger sister also applied this principle and she was able to pay all her debts in 2 years time.  Use your savings to invest to multiply your income.

Earn More than what you make 

If you put yourself in a financial chaos, then have the initiative and goal to get yourself out of that mess by making more money to grow your income.

You can create a passive income from home, but you still need to keep your job to sustain your monthly billings.  If you can spare  some money in building a business with low start up cost, no overheads and can take only 2-3 hours of your time each day, then you can expect yourself to also be able to make more money from those compounded effort each day.

If you have the fire burning desire to build your future by freeing yourself from debt, then it may not be a bad idea to start an online business and build it slowly to generate an auto-pilot income for you and your family.  It is always a good idea to take action in strengthening your financial situation when you are still able.  Free yourself from debt and let your money grow with time!

It’s about time to prepare your future!

The beauty of the technology now is you can take advantage of the internet. Even if you don’t have the product to sell. You can sell other people’s product by being an affiliate. You can earn commission from the company or product vendor when you made a sale promoting their products or services.

Below, I will share with you to experience the power of the NEW ClickBank Made Easy that I’ve created to help my students earn commission using their laptop anywhere in the world.


Experience The Power of the NEW ClickBank Made Easy



The 3-months success plan is a comprehensive 90-DAY Plan for Growing, Learning and Achieving Your Goal To Earn Extra Income Online.

This is the Perfect Formula to make your first $100 with ClickBank.

What’s your plan to keep yourself going for the next 3 months?

What’s your plan achieving for the next 3 months?

What is ClickBank 3-Month Success Plan?

It’s a 3-month challenge plan covering the important step-by-step things to do for affiliate marketing success. This program was created to help you develop certain skills for money to become the by-product of what you do. You’ll receive each weekly lesson via email and also have lifetime log-in privileges to MYBIZBREAKTHROUGHS member site.

Throughout the 3-month program, you will be empowered to stay focus, grow and continually to make yourself better each day. You will learn how to get focus on your affiliate journey how to improve your finances in 3 months time.

This is a step by step guide easy to follow success blueprint that will be delivered to your inbox.

This consistent game plan will keep you on track, help you take action and give you the motivation to design your future!

The good news is you can get a 3-DAY FREE Sneak Peek training videos that you can watch & apply immediately. All you need is just sign up now and your 3-DAY FREE training will be delivered right away to your INBOX!

How to improve finances in 3 months
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