6 Tips How To Crush Your Smart Goals in The New Year
Smart goals lining up in your journal?
I love jotting down, crossing off things on my lists of things to do to get D-O-N-E! In fact, am an organized neat freak creature!
Really… I don’t know about you.
According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most lose their resolutions by mid-February. Source: Inc.
The New Year is almost upon us and this means most of us are starting to set some of the smart goals that we want to achieve.
But why do we make New Year Resolutions and break them?
We were seriously buried in the debt-trap and felt as if there was no way out.
This is one of our biggest smart goals that we ever achieved in life. We were out of debt in two years!
Let’s face it…creating a new and fresh goal is EASY, but achieving those goals can sometimes a different story.
Here are my best 6 tips on how to CRUSH your S-M-A-R-T goals.
1. Get Very Clear Of What You Want
If you are one of those who creates a list of promises just remember this… Keeping promises is considered a measure of our ethical principles and values. Whatever we say and do defines who we really are.
If we don’t know what is our purpose it’s hard for us to create a clear series of actions that we need to take.
Like in my case, one of my smart goals is to be out of debt. So I started to do a lot of sacrifices by spending less, cut all my credit cards, work hard, and start savings until we pay off our debts in two years.
Determine what you are aiming for. This is where the hard work begins but I promise you that it is worth the time and energy.
2. Make a Decision
In whatever we do we always make our choice!
Whether you make the right choice or the wrong one. They always come in pairs. Achieving goals goes with sacrifices – I mean a LOT!
Like for example, when my colleague decided to stay in New York, I chose not to stay there.
When my colleague chose to buy a new watch, I chose to save.
If my friends go shopping, I chose to pay off my debts.
And when everyone said, it’s impossible to make money from home, WHOAHAHAHA I have the joy & freedom of making a living with my passion using my laptop for eight years now & going!
There is a saying that ” a bad decision is better than no decision at all”. As human beings, we want to avoid mistakes and failure but in the end, being indecisive can drain your energy, time, and can even kill your dreams.
3. Handle Obstacles
Realize you may not get the outcome you want, no matter how carefully you plan, and no matter how clear you are about what you want, understand that there is no smooth sailing.
Sometimes the timing isn’t right because there is something better. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and for suggestions from others that may have been in similar situations like you and we just need to be patient working towards our goals in life.
You see, distractions can get you off track of your goals. There will be roadblocks that stand in your way, so you just need to face it head-on.
4. Use a Smart Goal Planner
If you’re the kind of person who wants to achieve massive success to design your future and finally sees your dreams into life – the action-oriented goal smart planner will help you trade your unproductive routines to faster achieve your life goals that get real, life-changing results.
The Goal Smart Planner is an amazing Breakthrough action planner that you can print that helps you get organized working towards your goals!
NO MORE WORKING CRAZY HOURS to end your frustrations and no more juggling around. You need to take full control of your day in crushing your smart goals (and have more accomplishments in less time)!
I created this smart planner with LOVE during the weekend.
With this goal smart planner, you’ll have:
- Less falling off track
- No more spinning your wheels
- Less overwhelm
- Goodbye unfinished tasks
- Less working crazy hours
- No more scattered thinking
It’ll help you finally track your progress in a more efficient and organized way. And that new future starts TODAY! It starts the second you purchase this Smart Goal Planner!
You may consider consolidating these smart planner printables with your favorite colorful and durable binders from Amazon.
5. Be Rational
Forget about the results. Focus on the actions to achieve your smart goals whether you’re planning to lose weight, start savings, paying debt, quit smoking, or decluttering your home.
Each baby step you take will be a small improvement and those small improvements will translate into BIG results.
For example, when I quit my highly successful job as an ex-pat executive and set my smart goal to start my consulting business from home while I am living in China as a trailing wife…
So instead of spending hundreds of hours on social media and get distracted by all those shiny objects around me, I consistently working towards crushing my daily priorities using my goal smart planner in doing my morning and evening action rituals.
6. Look To Your Smart Goals Big Picture
What’s it all about, anyway? Why are you setting your smart goals?
Do whatever it takes to keep your goal in sight. Thinking about why I’m working towards my daily goals always reenergizes me because when I started working to be out of debt and began my good relationship with my money – I don’t lose sight of the BIG picture.
I know what people can do with no debt – Anything they want!
“First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare.” – Walt Disney
Closing Thoughts
With my persistence and full determination, I was able to create the version of the life I want, get out of debts for good, #WFA (work from anywhere), work how much or little I want, travel the world at my own pace, and create a stress-free life and happy home.
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